Who we are

We are an investment fund manager, specialized in Alternative Asset management, with presence in Chile, Peru, and the U.S.

We manage public and private funds, with focus on Real Estate, Private Equity, Private Debt, Infrastructure and Agribusiness.

Our role as an investment fund manager consists of seeking attractive and profitable investment alternatives for investors who trust us, working with strategic partners who are experts in their businesses

We are directly involved in the management, monitoring and control of investments, participating and co-investing in the alternatives we offer

Our principles

Generate value for our investors

We are constantly exploring the best investment opportunities for our investors, selecting attractive and profitable projects while managing the risk accordingly. We offer these projects to our clients, and we involve in each investment directly by co-investing and managing each opportunity efficiently and transparently.

Work with integrity and excellence

We manage our investments with the highest ethical standards, striving to always achieve excellence, seeking long-term mutual benefits and, above all, acting with transparency to generate the maximum confidence of our investors.

Be specialists

We believe that partnering with specialist managers in each industry is the key to add value to our investments to be able to get better results than the market. Specialization and consistency are the routes to always stay on the line between knowledge and innovation.


Frontal Trust was founded by Andrés Echeverría in 2015, to add value to institutional and high net worth investors, through specialist, earnest, and responsible work.

Andrés Echeverría has an extensive professional career in the financial industry. For over nine years he held the position of CEO of Bicecorp, the parent company of Banco Bice, Bice Vida, among others. Previously, he worked as Investment Banking Vicepresident at Deutsche Bank (former Bankers Trust), a firm from which he led several financial transactions in equity and debt markets, and M&A operations in Chile and the USA.

Throughout its history, Frontal Trust has shown sustained growth, evolving from a Real Estate Fund Manager to a firm that specialices in a widening range of Alternative Assets. Today, Frontal Trust manages dozens of Funds, both public and private, in the Real Estate, Infrastructure, Agribusiness, Private Equity and Private Debt sectors.

We are called Frontal Trust because we want to show our seal: work with transparency and rectitude to always maintain the trust of those who invest with us, systematically creating value in long-term relationships

Andrés Echeverría


March: Frontal Trust (FT) is founded with focus on real estate, managing three investment funds with Inmobiliaria Fundamenta.

August: FT partners with Surmonte, a real estate agency, controlled by the holding company Pie de Monte, whose purpose is to develop residential projects throughout Chile.

May: FT diversifies its investments by entering the industrial real estate business in partnership with Campos de Chile.

June: FT enters the private equity segment acquiring 75.5% of Autofin, an automotive financing firm. The remaining 24.5% belongs to Cavem Chile.

November: FT launches Retorno Preferente Fundamenta Plaza Egaña Fund, the firm’s first public fund, with an equity of over US$50 million.

January: FT ends its second year of operations with US$ 270 million of equity under management and 11 active investment funds, 10 of which are real estate funds operating in partnership with Fundamenta, Surmonte, and Campos de Chile.

February: FT signed-off a fund for UF 700,000 (US$ 28 million) for the development of buildings in middle-class sectors in Santiago, Ñuñoa, and Estación Central neighborhoods with Inmobiliaria Fundamenta.

March: FT expands to the Private Debt segment, offering financing mechanisms to small and medium-size companies with high growth potential.

May: FT launches a preferred equity fund for US$ 12 million to finance three real estate companies with development projects in several regions in Chile.

October: In partnership with EverWest, a North American firm with decades of experience in the real estate business, FT launched two real estate funds in the United States, to acquire medium-sized office buildings using a value add strategy, which consists of repair and lease the offices for long terms. EverWest contributes 10% of the equity and acts as manager of the funds.

January: FT launches private funds to finance factoring firms. As such, it becomes a provider of capital for companies in need of liquidity.

March: FT enters the infrastructure business, entering its second and third phase of development.

July: Through a capital increase of CLP$ 11 billion, the capital of Autofin is strengthened for its second time. FT’s investment fund has 64% of the ownership, IRB 30%, while the 6% remaining belong to Citroen importers.

December: Independent directors join FT, the former Minister of Education and Justice, Felipe Bulnes; the former Minister of Finance, Rodrigo Valdés and the Chairman of Sonda, Mario Pavón.

February: Through Alpha fund, FT acquires 33% Vespucio Norte and Túnel San Cristóbal concessionaire companies from the Canadian fund Brookfield. As such, FT becomes the first Chilean investment fund to own a percentage of an urban highway in Chile.

August: FT, through Evoluciona Administradora de Mutuos Hipotecarios, enters the mortgage-backed financing business, providing financing alternatives for individuals and businesses. Inversiones Evoluciona is the parent company, in which FT owns 51% and the remaining 49% belong to Moneda Renta CLP investment fund.

September: FT partners with Cantauco a real estate agency to develop residential projects in Chile.

October: FT, in partnership with a group of entrepreneurs with experience in private debt, creates Cordada, a technological platform that seeks to support small and medium-sized companies through working capital financing.

May: FT opens its first investment office in the United States, Frontal Trust U.S. located on Brickell Ave. in Miami, in charge of Luis Felipe San Martin as Managing Partner.

September: The public fund “Frontal Trust Rendimiento con Liquidez” (Frontal Trust Performance with Liquidity) begins operations, which has as its main objective to invest its resources in shares of the private investment fund “Cordada Fondo de Inversión Privado Deuda y Facturas I” (Cordada Private Investment Fund Debt and Invoices I ), managed by the related company Cordada Capital S.A. This investment fund has unique and novel characteristics for the capital market, as it is a public offer instrument, it offers a fixed daily accrual through its preferred series and liquidity similar to term deposits through its 30- and 60-day redemption policy.

October: The public fund “Frontal Trust U.S. Residential Credit Opportunity I”, begins operations, which aims to invest in short term mortgage-backed loans originating in the U.S.

December: FT, in conjunction with a group of entrepreneurs and businessmen with experience in the distribution and sale of cars, creates Car1, a technological platform that offers an online experience for the sale of used vehicles.

April: The public fund “Frontal Trust Financiamiento Estructurado Exxacon Fondo de Inversión” (Frontal Trust Structured Financing Exxacon), begins operations with the objective of financing Exxacon, a real estate developer, through a structure composed of mezzanine debt and preferred equity backed by insurance policies.

May: FT in partnership with Xepelin -Fintech specialist in financing SMEs- launches the fund “Frontal Trust Xepelin Deuda México Fondo de Inversión” (Frontal Trust Xepelin Mexican Debt) which invests through a robust structure of private debt with aligned incentives in a diversified portfolio of invoices originated by Xepelin in Mexico and linked to large payers, offering to its investors an attractive return in dollars through preferred series.

August: Frontal Trust launches Frontal Trust Peru, an investment office in Lima, under the direction of Raúl Benavides as Partner and Portfolio Manager.

September: Frontal Trust U.S. launches the “Single Family Residential” Fund, it’s second investment vehicle in the U.S., with the objective of buying and managing a portfolio of rental      properties in Florida.

December: Frontal Trust begins operations in Europe launching “Frontal Trust Desarrollo Inmobiliario Industrial España”, a development of “build-to-suit” industrial assets for low risk      companies with long-term rent contracts

January: Felipe Bulnes and Mario Pavón resigned their positions as Board members. Their places have been taken by Clemente Ochagavía, partner and portfolio manager of Frontal Trust, and Marta Del Sante, Business Manager and Master of Finance from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

April: Catalina Silva Vial joins the Board of Directors. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, and an MBA from Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College. Currently, she is the CEO of Grupo Pampa (Norte Grande S.A. and subsidiaries, main stockholders of SQM S.A.)

June: Frontal Trust enters the agriculture industry under the leadership of Gustavo Llona as Partner and CEO, focusing on agriculture investments in Chile, Peru and Colombia


  • El fondo Bridge Multifamily Fund V de la estadounidense Bridge Investment Group (BIG) logra levantar USD 2.260 millones, lo que constituye el mayor fondo exclusivo multifamily de la historia. Frontal Trust contribuyó al levantamiento de capital de este fondo, que por primera vez cuenta con inversionistas sudamericanos.
  • El Servicio de Evaluación Ambiental (SEA) emite una resolución exenta, ratificando la sentencia de la Corte Suprema, que confirmó los permisos ambientales para la ejecución y reanudación de las obras del proyecto Egaña-Comunidad Sustentable de Inmobiliaria Fundamenta. Frontal Trust participa de este proyecto a través de diversos fondos inmobiliarios.

Abril: Alejandro Micco, Alejandra Cox y Claudio Correa ingresan al directorio de Frontal Trust. Reemplazan en sus cargos a Rodrigo Valdés, Marta del Sante y Catalina Silva, quienes realizaron una valiosa contribución al desarrollo y crecimiento de la compañía. Los nuevos integrantes se suman en la mesa a Andrés Echeverría (presidente) y Max Boza (director).

Agosto: Tras cumplirse todas las aprobaciones regulatorias, tanto de la CMF como de la Fiscalía Nacional Económica, se materializa el traspaso del 51% de Autofin al Banco Internacional. El 49% de la propiedad continua en manos del FIP Frontal Trust Autofin y sus socios.

Agosto: Frontal Trust lanza al mercado el fondo ‘Frontal Trust – Cordada Rendimiento con Liquidez Mediano Plazo’, en pesos. El producto, diseñado como estrategia de inversión para la preservación de capital, tiene una rentabilidad preferente, conocida a principio de cada mes, que es superior a los fondos mutuos money market y depósitos a plazo. Asimismo, tiene una liquidez muy por encima de los fondos semi-líquidos de la industria y, a la fecha, más de un 40% de la cartera tiene créditos con garantía Fogape.


  • Claudio Mehech Labán asume como nuevo gerente general de Frontal Trust Administradora General de Fondos S.A. Ingeniero civil de la Universidad de Chile y MBA de The Wharton School (University of Pennsylvania), es un profesional con 20 años de experiencia en el sector financiero. Asimismo, Carmen Vicuña, asume como Gerente de Riesgo.
  • Se formaliza la separación entre Frontal Trust y el equipo de Miami, liderado por Luis Felipe San Martín, que pasa a operar bajo la marca 12ten Capital. Este acuerdo, no implica cambios para Frontal Trust respecto de sus actividades y responsabilidades sobre los fondos RCO, NNN y Single Family Homes.